Every year I bake my son a birthday cake and in 2023 I decided to bake him a banana & chocolate chip cake. I found a recipe for this flavour as it is his favourite pancake flavour when he doesn't like pancakes.
The recipe I used was : https://www.lifeloveandsugar.com/banana-chocolate-chip-layer-cake/

It is very similar to making banana bread but you want the sponge to be more fluffy. I always try to remind myself not to over mix the banana as it is better to have chunks of banana in the sponge to get more of a banana taste.
I only did the cake as 2 layers as I have sandwich tins the same size and the cake was only for a few of us. Getting 3 layers perfect is a lot harder!

I didn't want to make the same mistake as last time and over do the baking of the cake. I find it takes a couple of tries in an oven to really get to know it. Fan assisted are always faster and its getting the temperature just right, pre heating is obviously important.
Now for the icing:
Lots of chocolate & butter

I keep having issues with piping, its always harder to pipe icing on a hot day. Getting the consistency just right too. If the icing is too warm and not enough sugar to make it hard enough to keep the shape it ends up looking such a mess.
The cake was a little overdone again but with banana cakes they are a darker because of the cooked banana.

I decided it would be a lot less stress and easier to just spread the icing all over the cake and then put some decoration on top, I wanted to keep the cake fairly simple as it had a lot going in inside.

I had brought some popping candy to decorate with just to give the sprinkles a little bit extra and threw them all over the cake. Added some gold candles to go with the rest of the theme of decorates in the house. Being 17 I was trying to make it less child like and start to transition to being an adult.
