Every year I make my son a birthday cake and this year I decided on an OREO cake. He loves Oreos and this gave me a chance to try something new.
Found Recipe : https://www.janespatisserie.com/2016/08/15/oreo-drip-cake/
(I love her recipes so much, they are easy to follow and the measurements are perfect!)
This was a 3 layered cake, it took me a while to get all of the cake baked due to only having 2 tins of the size I needed.

I wanted to try and use the turn table again to do the icing (something I have been struggling with). The trouble with the Oreo icing is the biscuits make it hard to smooth the icing out even on the turn table. This is something I do want to try having more practice on but with a smoother icing. The cake this year did stay in shape unlike the mint Aero one of last year which became more of a dome, I am slowly getting to learn new techniques.

The cake tasted amazing, the 3 layers and the melted chocolate dripping on top. I baked this cake just as lockdown was easing so there wasn't really anyone to share it with but did mean more cake for us!
